Artist Book (Unfinished)
“Use an artist & his inspiration and make your own interpretation.”
(Unfinished Master project)
This is an unfinished project of my unfinished master-course.
The assignment was to take an artist and his work & inspirations/philosophy and make and interpretation of his/her work, add elements of my own; make it into an “artist book”. The artist I chose to work with was Hans Lemmen; a Dutch illustrator and visual artist. To him a concept always starts with a drawing, it’s the most “free” way of thinking. He get’s his inspiration from the reallocation of lands in the neighborhood & usually works with a returning theme. Keywords I picked up with him were: history, archeology, human condition/conflict, storytelling, meaning/purpose, Content, landscape & power pylons. These keywords often return in his works.
I chose 3 keywords to work with from there and build my own story: history, landscape, power pylons. They have elements in common: they are/use grids; have different shapes & symbolize communication in a way. The grid was my real starting point: A book is a collection of pages ordered in a grid. People can order them any way they (feel) like. These “pages” are large sheets of tracing paper and have unique patterns printend on them based of the power pylon constructions. The tracing paper will ensure that underlying patterns will still be visible, thus creating communication between the different pages of the book & creating new patterns.
To bring something of myself into this work I will use pawns, symbolizing major events of my life. A list will explain the pawns pictograms and based on that people will be able to place/move them on the created grids as they feel is right.